Parking At Blackhall

Residents of Blackhall will have already noticed that, as part of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Environmental programme,
there are new parking bays at the Blackhall Dip.

These parking bays are free to use and it is hoped they will prove convenient for shoppers and also that they will help the
local businesses to thrive.


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5 Responses to Parking At Blackhall

  1. Bill Johnston 26/02/2012 at 10:08 #

    Tim, great blogging, thank you. Good to see that you are taking it seriously and giving us regular updates.

    Regards Blackhall car parking. Brilliant! Such a simple idea that will certainly get us back to the shops. It’s certainly worth a shot anyway – please keep us updated on how it goes and the opinions of the shop keepers.

    • Andrew Tibbs 27/02/2012 at 21:20 #


      Tim’s asked me to reply, and thank you for your comment. Tim’s pleased with the parking spaces and will let you know if there are any new developments. In the meantime, please feel free to drop him an email if you have any further queries or suggestions.


    • TMcKay 28/02/2012 at 23:38 #

      Thanks Bill,

      I will be speaking to some of them toward the end of March,

      regards, Tim McKay

  2. Mary Rice 27/02/2012 at 19:09 #

    The area is now very dangerous in my view. The problem is that if you are heading down Queensferry Road and want to turn right into Craigcrook Road, you hold up the cars behind you – often for a lengthy period – waiting for a gap if there are cars parked in the bays. This causes a lot of frustration and, for cyclists, is now a very dangerous turn. Also for cars who chose to park in the spaces it is a “life in your hands” moment opening the car door to get out.

    • Andrew Tibbs 27/02/2012 at 21:21 #

      Hi Mary,

      Tim’s asked me to respond to you. He’s going to raise this with the Transport Convenor within the Council and they’ll look into this. In the meantime, if you have any other queries or suggestions, please feel free to drop Tim an email through the site.


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